Product Detail
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Product Description

Thermodynamic steam traps are widely usedin low, medium and high pressure steampipelines, process heat tracing, and smalldisplacement equipment due to their smallsize, large displacement, energy saving, longlife, and low temperature resistance.

Structural Features

MIiller thermodynamic steam trap uses A105 for the low

pressure trap body and 15CrMo for the medium pressure trapbody.

According to the Bernoulli equation, it has been repeatedlycalculated and finally finalized through a large number ofexperiments. The product is available in low temperature anosaturated versions. The low-temperature type discharges thecondensate at a lower temperature (higher degree ofsubcooling) and has less noise, but the air discharge capacityis poor; the saturated type discharges the condensed waterclose to the saturation temperature (low degree of subcooling), with high noise and good air discharge capacity.Thermodynamic steam traps operate on the difference in flowrates between steam and condensate. When the condensatepasses through the valve seat, the flow rate is small, and theva lve plate is opened to discharge the condensate water:when the steam enters the valve seat, the valve seat is closeddue to the large flow rate.

MIiller Newton has broken through the problems thatthermodynamic steam traps are not energy-saving, noisy,and discharges raw steam, and has become the beststeam pipe guide steam trap. lts advantages are smallsize, long life, reliable action, convenient maintenance.and low noise ( Low temperature type) no original steameakage