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Product Description

The lever ball float trap has the characteristicsof large displacement, long life, good energysaving effect, water hammer resistance.beautiful appearance, etc lt is widely used inprocess heat tracing, jacketed heating kettlestank, reboilers and other equipment.

The technical advantages of MILLER traps are:unique and reasonable structure , high-precision internal parts.

Structural Features

The flexible closing system is applied to the lever ball floattrap, which solves the problems of short life and lax closing. Inthe design, the strength of the shell, the pressure andtemperature grade, the manufacturability of casting, theimpact caused by the fluid flow channel and the water-vapormixing are considered, and the closed system works in awater-sealed state.

Lever ball float steam trap works on the difference in densitybetween steam and condensate. When the valve body is filledwith condensed water and non-condensable gas, the airexhaust valve is opened to remove the non-condensable gas,the floating ball moves up to drive the valve core to open, andafter the condensate is drained, the floating ball drives thevalve core to move down and closes the trap.The biggest advantage of lever ball float trap is high backpressure rate (differential pressure O.Olbar can work), longlife, reliable action, easy maintenance and no original steam

Lever Ball Float Steam Trap

The lever ball float type steam trap is for continuousdrainage, the subcooling degree is about 5°C, and the backpressure rate is over 95% (back-end pipeline pressure/steampressure). In general, the safety factor is 2-3 times whenselecting, and 5-8 times for air separation units and dryingcylinders. Condensate volume and differential pressure ofsteam-using equipment are important indicators for modelselection. The same type of trap increases with the increaseof pressure difference and displacement. See the details ondisplacement curve.

Special reminder: Please do not mistakenly think that a trapwith a large diameter has a large displacement.The lever ball float trap is installed horizontally at the bottomof the pipeline or equipment, and the SFT10 trap can beinstalled horizontally or vertically. The basic configuration isshown in the figure on the right.